Brand name :-Bluplast
Company Name :-Bluplast Industries Ltd
Regd Office :-
Corporate Office :-
113/114, Vivek Ind. Est, Near Litolier, Uswala Rd,Cama Estate, Goregaon (E), Mumbai–400063 (India)
128, Udyog Bhavan, Sonawalla Lane,Goregaon (E), Mumbai–400063 (India)
Tel. :-
91-22- 2685 1212, 1631,1492
Fax :-91-22- 2685 1151
Email :-bpgroup@bluplast.com
Factory :-Unit ISurvey No. 709 / 1-4, 710 / 13, Somnath Road,Dabhel, Daman - 396210 U.T.
Unit II1-C,Maharani Ind. Est, Somnath Road,Dabhel, Daman - 396210 U.T.
Tel. :-0260 -22415262244726
Telefax :-0260 - 2241526
Company profile
For the last fifteen years Bluplast Group have been consistently striving to bring to you, Hygienic Superior Quality of Thermoware, Vacuumware and other related Plastic products through constant Research & Development.
And it is our quest for excellencae that has led us to develop a unique concept 'Temperaproof' - a guaranteed temperature control system.
A product of our insight and innovativeness, this unique concept keeps hot food hot & cold stuff cold for hours without the external temperature affecting it.
This helps in preserving the health of your family and friends, portraying priceless values of love caring and sharing.
The use of virgin food grade material ensures 100% hygiene and this backed with the Temperaproof guarantee has made Bluplast - a household name in India as well as internationally in the U.K., U.S.A., Africa and Middle East.
It is our unrivalled determination and sincere efforts to bring to you the best that has made 'Bluplast -A Healthy Choice' of millions of people all over the world.